Deleted Tag Quick Action and can't figure out how to get it back

I'm trying to figure out tags, and when clicking around I accidentally deleted the Tag quick action and cant figure out how to get it back.

In Mac preferences under Sort, I created a master list of 14 tags. What I would like is when clicking on a Tag quick action, I would like a drop down to select one of the tags.

But when trying to create a Tag quick action, it doesn't seem to access the master list in Preferences. It seems like the options are to add one specific tag, or Switch. But for Switch, it seems you have to add a new list of tags and not the list in Preferences, plus it would be cumbersome to be clicking to cycle through 14 tags.

I'm sure I'm missing something simple. Sorry for the Newbie question.

Hi @joeg3, thanks for using GoodTask.

Try adding ‘Prompt: Tags’ quick action. It should do the job. Thanks!

That did it, thanks!