Logic of Start time when Manually inserted between tasks

Mr Kim,

My today smart list is sorted Priority->Due date->Manual sort.

If my High priority task (!!!) has a start time, and I manually drag an untimed task to land between two of them, GOODTASK automatically gives the task a start time somewhere in between the two.

Question: How is it calculating the the start time? I don't see a pattern / logic in the time that is selected?

Hi @Lavan, thanks for the feedback.

When you drop a task between 2 tasks that have due dates, it’ll check if they’re the same. If so, it’ll match with the same value. If they’re different but any of them have no time, it’ll match with the previous one. If both have time, it’ll set the time in the middle.


I actually like this feature. If I move something forward in my day it stops it being scheduled at the same time as something else and creating an unwanted overlap