Recurring task not completed

Some of my recurring tasks are project-related. I have them assigned to a particular day each week but may not get to them if other things come up.

From what I know about GoodTask, there are only three ways to deal with them:

  1. Mark them as complete and just let the task recur the following week as scheduled.
  2. Check it off as complete even though I didn't do it.
  3. Let it sit as incomplete, which means that on some projects there may be several entries in the incomplete area.

Just wondering if there's a "didn't get to it, will pick it up next week" - type of setting.

Hi @Bogert, thanks for using GoodTask.

You can use 'Skip' action to make it go to next recurring date. You can long tap to open up context menu to run it or add a Quick Action.


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Thanks. I missed that option when looking.
Very helpful.

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