Restore custom smart lists

Hello, I had a crash with my MacBook Pro and I had to take a new MacBook Pro. I have installed GoodTask and my custom smart lists are not existing anymore. I have the hard disk backup of the old MacBook. Is it possible to get the smart lists on the new installation?

Hi @hugu, thanks for using GoodTask.

If you've been using 'Automatic Preferences Sync' with latest version, your smart list settings should be saved in 'iCloud Drive/GoodTask/Settings' folder. Try opening that place in Finder and see if files are there.

If so, open GoodTask and go into Preferences - Sync and check the status. If it's not updating, try 'Download' on that window.

Make sure you have those files in iCloud downloaded first on your Mac.


There was only the file appearance.plist.

I've copied this file to the same directory on my current MacBook. After download on Preferences-Sync I have still no custom smart lists.

Hmm, appearance.plist file only takes care of appearance part of settings.

If it’s possible, check previous device and click ‘Upload’ with ‘Lists’ checked. This should upload settings file related to lists including smart lists.


The "old" MacBook is not working anymore, so it's not possible to make an upload. I think I will make the custom lists again manually.
