Smart list filters in Mac vs. iOS

Hi. My "today" smart list seems to have different filters on Mac versus iOS (overdue is missing on the iOS). Is there possibly something in my settings where they are not automatically syncing up?

Hi @Fuchsia, thanks for using GoodTask.

You may want to see if 'Lists' file is properly synced in both of your devices. Go into 'Settings - iCloud Sync' and check the device and time on Lists. If 'Automatic Preferences Sync' is on, it should be same. If not, try 'Download' on the device that you want to be updated.


Thanks. I'm not seeing

Here is what I have in the settings, and automatic preferences sync is on for both devices.

Screen Shot 2020-05-04 at 8.26.15 AM

When I pressed the "download" for iOS, it asked, "Are you sure?" Is there anything to be concerned about before pressing that?

It seems like your settings are not uploaded to iCloud Drive.

  1. Make sure you have latest version of GoodTask installed on all of your devices.
  2. Check on your Mac. Open Finder and go into iCloud Drive - GoodTask - Settings.
  3. If you don't see the files, go into the app and click 'Upload' (If the preferences on Mac is what you want)
  4. After that, check if files are shown on iCloud Drive
  5. Check Files app on iOS to see if files are shown there too.
  6. Normally it should automatically sync afterwards.


Thanks for trying to sort this. I did the "upload" in Mac iCloud Drive. The files now show as uploaded in both Mac and iOS Files app for GoodTask, but the overdue filter is still not coming up in "today" in iOS.

(Also, I made sure everything including the OS is updated on both devices and restarted / reset both of them.)

Also if this helps, checked my iPad and it's syncing that filter fine there, just not on the iPhone.

Thanks for the details. You may try ‘Download’ on the phone to get the data. Thanks!

Thanks, but no--still not showing that filter on iPhone (while it does show on iPad and Mac).

Would you make other changes on other device and check if the changes are brought?

I created two new lists on the Mac and iPhone and now everything is syncing properly (including on the original list). Thank you for your help :slight_smile:

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