Smart List for "Started Tasks that are Due Today" (including Time)

I want to create a Smart List that will display started tasks that are due Today. The list should take tasks' Time into account, ie. if a task is due later today, it should not appear. But if it is already started, it should appear.

I'm using such Filter:

(Type: Scheduled, Scheduled: Today, Due Date: Enabled, Time: No Time, Hide: Later Tasks, Unstarted)

This works as intended for tasks that do not have Time set. But tasks that have Time set do not appear on the list, even if they are started and their Due Date is Today.

Eg. let's assume that it's 7:00 in the morning.
I have a task that has "Start Date + Time" set to "Today, 6:00" and "Due Date + Time" set to "Today, 10:00".

This task will not show up on the Smart List with above settings - even though current time (7:00) is between the task Start/Due Times (6:00 ~ 10:00). And even though the Due Date of the task is Today.

  1. How does the "Due Date" Filter Option work for Tasks that have Time set? Why my started task does not appear on my "Started Task Due Today" list?
  2. How are "Hide (Tasks)" Filter Options combined? When I select "Later Tasks" and "Unstarted", will it hide "Later AND Unstarted", or "Later OR Unstarted"?

Hi @Karol, thanks for the feedback.

  1. If you uncheck 'Due Date', it'll work as you want. Checking it will ignore start date.
  2. Tasks will be filtered first with 'unstarted' option and then 'Later tasks' will be removed if it's set to be hidden.


  • Scheduled Smart Lists with start dates
  • Later tasks are tasks that's due today but later than current time. Unstarted tasks are tasks with start date which have different start time and due time.


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Hi, thank you for the swift response! :slight_smile:

Well, not exactly... If I uncheck 'Due Date', then my list includes not only started tasks from Today, but also those that have 'Due Date' set in the future. What I wanted to achieve is to get tasks with 'Due Date' set exactly to Today.

In that case, try making another filter with simple 'Today' option and set AND operation in it. Checking 'Due date' on the screenshot's smart list will ignore start date completely.


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Ah! That did the trick! Thank you! :pray:

I think I experimented with a similar solution, but I could not understand why this combination:

Filter 1: Scheduled + Today + Hide: Later Tasks, Unstarted
Filter 2: Scheduled + Today + Due Date

does not give the same results as a single filter:

Scheduled + Today + Due Date + Hide: Later Tasks, Unstarted

Now that you explained that Due Date does not mean Due Today, but Ignore Start Date, the puzzle is finally solved :slight_smile:

May I then suggest a little rewording on the Smart List options for "Scheduled" filter?:

  • Due Date --> Ignore Start Date
  • No Time --> Ignore Time (or Any Time) (now it's confusing why there are two "No Time" options)
  • Inside Hide (Tasks)
    • Unstarted --> Future Start Date/Time
    • Later Tasks --> Future Due Date/Time
      (I would also switch the options order here to make it more explicit, that the Start Date is checked before Due Date if both options are checked)

It's a bit more wordy, but explains the intention in a clearer way :slight_smile: At least for me, it would make creating more advanced filters more easy :slight_smile:

Thank you!

Thanks for the suggestion. I’ll check and will see if it can be edited. Thanks!

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