V 6.4 crashes on right click on mac

I have a habit of right-clicking on tasks on mac but apparently that causes an issue when right-clicking on a board - it causes it to crash. I understand there's no context menu for boards but crashing is quite jarring. I've probably crashed 10 times in the last day.

And I don't know if this is the result of crashing or just a bug, but this is happening too: I have a development pipeline set up with a "development list". I've specified the tags: Ice-cooler,sprint,in-progress,-release. I have list configured to be board view by default and to have only those tags are boards. It seems to work initially but over time it ON THE MAC ONLY it doesn't show a board if there are no items with that tag. On the iPad it's just fine - they show whether or not they're empty.

Hi @stevew, thanks for the feedback. It's fixed on v6.4.2. Thanks!

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Thank you! Is the issue with boards of tags that are empty not showing - is that also fixed in 6.4.2 or is that some other thing causing that.

Also, I just want to express great appreciation - GoodTask has always been a good app but you have been in the zone for the past year or so. The updates that you have offered have been poetry!!! Keep up the great work.

Hi @stevew, you can set up to show or hide empty boards inside Preferences - General - Board View.

Thanks! :slight_smile: