Activated Due Date & Repeat and the Alert Text as Clickable (buttons) in Detail view

Thanks again for this great app!

Activated Due Date & Repeat and the Alert Text as Clickable (buttons) in Detail view.

I consider these three fields prime functionality & real estate. Right now they are simply displaying text. I would much rather be able to click on these 2 fields to edit them rather than clicking on the tiny little (hard to see (Aging Eyes)) icons below them.


Thanks for the feedback. I’ll consider it.


I totally agree! The due date, alert date, and repeat text used to be clickable so you could edit it right there. The most recent update changed a lot about the UI and this change in particular seems very odd to me. Why have those dates in two places? It isn't necessary to have a separate button just to edit those fields.

This will be available on v5.2 which will come soon. :slight_smile:


Great - looking forward to it!