ALL my tasks have disappeared

I was investigating the use of Wigets since I have just installed OS Sonoma.

I went to the Good Task in the App Store. At the top there was a button that said "Update". I said to my self that I should keep this app current since I use it all the time. When it was finished I had NO task, zero, on my MacMini. All my dates and appointments are gone. Fortunately my iPhone Good Tasks has all the information correctly shown.

I would like to use both my Mac Mini and my iPhone with Good Tasks. A major selling point for Good Tasks was that I could use both and they would be synced.

Any suggestions?

Hi @cdjr, thanks for using GoodTask. Not sure exactly what happened but the data should stay even if you update the app. Would you check if Reminders app have all the data? If so but GoodTask doesn’t, try restarting the app or device. If Reminders app doesn’t have the data, check default Settings and see if Reminders are turned on in iCloud. Thanks!

I kept trying to download from iCloud, which wasn't working. I got your reply to check Reminder which I don't usually do, I just use Good Task. I opened up the Reminder app and all the events on my calendar came back to Good Task. I'm back to normal Thank you.

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