Apple Watch app

Since this morning the Apple Watch app is not actually checking off tasks. It ticks the item and remains highlighted.

Not sure if a bug or not as it’s the first time today that I’ve used the feature?

Thanks for the feedback. Would you try restarting the device and see how it goes? Thanks!

Hello, restarted and sadly still the same issue.

Running 7.7.2 and on iOS 17.5.1.


How about restarting the iPhone? If the issue persists, you may need to reinstall watch app and see how it goes. Thanks!

Thank you. I will try the phone next. My watch is charging at the moment however.

Will report back my findings.

My initial removal of the app on the watch didn’t make a difference. I simply unticked the option to show the app on the watch- is that uninstalling the app?

Yes it is. When available, please try opening the app on iPhone and the watch side by side and see if tapping a task makes changes on iPhone. Thanks!


The task completed this time after iPhone reboot. Man it’s so slow though. Took between 4&5 seconds to disappear. Is that normal?

Normally on the watch, it stays there until the data gets refreshed. Due to limitations on watchOS, it needs to communicate with iPhone app to complete/edit the task. You can move on after tapping it and normally it should get done by itself. Until the limitation goes away, it'll probably in similar state. Thanks!

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