Backing Up Settings

Is there a way to back up you preferred setting for GoodTask without using iCloud?

I’m not worried about the tasks but my own settings within the app.


Hi @Doleawg, thanks for using GoodTask.

Currently you can only keep a backup via iCloud sync. Sync and backups are all stored in iCloud. Settings itself is saved locally so it won't go away if you don't delete the app.


If I change phone and have to reinstall the app does this mean that all my personal settings for the app are lost?

It's same with other apps. If you restore from iPhone's backup, it should be restored. But if you reinstall it on a new phone, it'll start from scratch.

This is same with Reminders app's data too.

You should set iCloud account and use Reminders on iCloud to keep the data. And use 'iCloud Drive' to keep settings if you want to restore them even when you delete and reinstall the app.


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How do you save the app setting to to iCloud Drive? Thanks.

Normally, if you have iCloud Drive turned on in default Settings app, it should be done automatically.

Check inside GoodTask - Settings - iCloud Sync. If 'Automatic Preferences Sync' is not turned on, you can tap 'Upload' and it'll be done.


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Got it. Sorted. Thanks.