I am not sure what the "Defer" quick action does. It asks for an input, and I put in 1, thinking it would "defer" the action one day, but the action didn't appear in tomorrow's tasks, so I'm a bit confused? Thanks!
Hi @Eroxx, thanks for the feedback. There is no action inside quick action named 'Defer' but I assume you may be talking about 'Prompt' with relative due date? If so, it should add date to due date. Share details inside 'Settings - Quick Action' to see which actions are inside that quick action for more help. Thanks!
Yes, the Action is "+Days" ... But if I take a task due today, click that quick action and type "1", it doesn't show in tomorrow's ...
Hmm, normally it should. Share me a screen recording to contact@hahaint.com I'll take a look. Thanks!