Congrats app of the day

Congratulations to GoodTask on being selected as an "App of the Day" on the App Store! This is an incredible achievement and a testament to the hard work and dedication you have put into developing such a high quality app. Keep up the good work.

Du wühlst dich täglich durch endlose To-do-Listen und Eventtermine? Mit Aufgabenliste - GoodTask organisierst du deine Erinnerungen und Kalendereinträge auf überschaubare Weise und priorisierst deine Aufgaben.

Do you dig through endless to-do lists and event deadlines every day? With To-Do List - GoodTask you can organise your reminders and calendar entries in a manageable way and prioritise your tasks.

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Thanks for sharing and giving great compliment! I’ll try to keep on making it better. :blush: