Deleted tasks reappearing

In the last week or so I've had anywhere from 3-15 completed and deleted tasks reappear. It happens daily. Today it's happened twice.
I've tried "Delete all completed tasks" and Delete Local cache files" in the advanced menu. Tasks (not the same tasks) keep reappearing. Any help is appreciated.

Thanks for using GoodTask.

Do you use iCloud for Reminders database? Would you check Reminders app and see if it works properly?

You may try checking connection to the iCloud or restarting the device.


Reminders is using icloud drive. The reminders app also shows the deleted tasks. Some of them are from a year ago. I've restarted the device and it's still happening. Also I'm not sure how to check the connection to icloud. It's only started happening the last week or so. But it happens everyday now. Thank you for your help.

Hmm, weird. It could be that Reminders database in iCloud is not working properly. If this happens on one of your device only, try reconnecting Reminders from iCloud by going into Settings app and turn off Reminders in iCloud section. After a few seconds, turn it back on.

If this happens on specific list only, try deleting that list and make a new one.

Hope it gets resolved. Thanks!