Disable URL Preview

I love the newest update as it provides a bunch of great features. However, I would prefer not to have a preview of url links that I have for some of my tasks. Is there a way to turn off the url preview feature? I didn’t see a way to do this. Thanks.

You can change that in Settings > Appearance > Task view.

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That did it! Thanks!

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I'm also having this problem but I can't find this option "Task view", I can only find "Task Display" and "Task Detail". I have version 5.7.2 for iPhone.

Hi @eziah, it's 'Task Display'. Choose 'Default' and scroll down. Thanks! :slight_smile:

Ok, I found it. Thank you!

OK, but if I hide the URL preview completely, how can I easily open the URL on Mac OS? On iOS it's via a simple swipe.

Hi @odysseus, thanks for the feedback. You can do it in multiple ways.

  1. Use action button on 'Task Detail' pane at the bottom.
  2. Use quick action 'Open URL'
    When using quick action, you can set up keyboard shortcut if you prefer it that way by following below method.
