Documentation: Text formatting in notes

Where can I find documentation on the new formatting of text in the Noitzen?

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Hi @TRq, thanks for the feedback.

Markdown feature added on 7.7 update follows CommonMark specs.

Most of them should work except html tags.

But you don't need to know everything since it's too complicated and long. I recommend just using simple syntax such as

# headings, **bold** , *italic*, [link](, 
lists such as
1. One
2. Two
- One
- Two

Using these should be enough and useful in most cases. If you don't like to use it, you can always turn it off inside 'Settings - Advanced - Notes: Markdown'.


Good morning.

I find that when using markdown it removes the blank lines / spacing that I leave between different sections in teh notes sections.

Is there way to avoid / fix this so that I can maintain the three to four blank lines I leave between different sections?

Thank you

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@TRq, I also cannot get different colour fonts to work.

Hi @Joel, unfortunately markdown doesn't handle multiple line breaks well. If you need to give more space, you need to use some other syntax such as # or > on a line and then write on on a new line.

Also since html is not supported, color can't be adjusted. Thanks!

@GoodTask, I appreciate the answer and the suggestions to use "#" or ">" as line breaks. This worked.

Two follow ups:

  1. At different parts in the notes section I have two separate lists labelled 1. 2. 3. 4 and a few lines later as 1. 2. .3. The problem that I am having is that markup is continuing the numbering in the next list (i.e., if without markup I have lists 1. 2 . 3. 4. and 1. 2. 3. then markup is showing the two lists as 1. 2. 3. 4. and a few lines later as 5 . 6. 7. even though the two lists are separated by additional lines / text). What do I do to prevent this from happening?

  2. If I use the # to indicate a heading, is there a way to have some of the text in the heading line not treated as part of the heading?

Thank you.

Hi @Joel,

  1. You can set # or > between them and it should separate them.
  2. Heading goes for that row entirely. You should move to other line or use ** to use bold on certain words.


Appreciated, that worked.

The only challenge I now have is that adding more "#" or more ">" does not increase the spacing between lines; that is:

i) >

ii) >

both result in single spacing between lines. Is there a way to increase the spacing between lines?

Thank you.

Hi @Joel,

using multiple >'s may not increase height. You can use multiple #'s or >,#,> to increase space.


Hi @GoodTask:

Appreciated but that / those did not work.

Any other ideas?


Try below.

1. One
2. Two
1. A
2. B
1. C
2. D


@GoodTask, appreciate the response which unfortunately did not work.

As much as I was thrilled when you added markdown capability and wanted it to work for me it is simply not flexible enough and too difficult to use (i.e., including unforeseen consequences).

Huge thanks for the effort but would love to see something more user friendly.

Thank you.

Hi @Joel, thanks for the feedback. Would you let me know which didn’t work?

I see that it may not fit for everyone and it has its own limitations. You can always turn it off and use plain text like before.


None of them worked!

Hi @Joel, have you tried below text? Need some more explanation if you need any help. It should be different.

1. Space between below line
1. One
2. Two. and space between below line should be different.
1. A
2. B. Space between below line should also be different.
1. C
2. D



I continue to appreciate the help and time.

I have tried all combinations and it is still a mess.

Net net; markdown is likely great for simple note taking but I have very detailed notes and it is more of a hinderance that a help.

Will hope and wait for the day that all blown text editor is added to GoodTask!

Thank you.

Thanks for the detail explanation. I fully understand. Thanks!


A pleasure.

I would be happy to help you test a full blown text editor should you ever get there. :slight_smile: