This is more just putting this out for discussion as opposed to a request at this time. I am a big user of subtasks for tracking through steps of something that has to be completed that requires multiple steps as it gives me a good audit trail. If the next action I need to make is a call for example, I will use quick actions to add #call to the reminder and remove it when complete. For names however, it gets more awkward. For example I may have:
"Call John Doe re: Winning Lottery Strategy"
"Buy Lottery Ticket Based on New Strategy"
as subtasks to a Reminder titled "Retire Rich". I would flag the reminder with #call when I that was my next action. Once I complete that call, I would mark the subtask complete and remove the #call tag and add (in the example) an #errands tag.
All that works very well. Where it falls apart is when I happen to be talking to John Doe and pull up anything that I may have to review with him. Ideally I'd love to filter out where "John Doe" exists in a completed sub-task. Right now I end up adding a "#" to John Doe in the subtask and removing it when I complete the sub-task. It just adds friction when I'm processing things however.
Just curious if I'm the only one that does weird things like this and if not, if others have come up with a better approach.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, @denrael. Managing tasks according to people is a bit complicated issue since you can only do it in hacky way with using names as tags.
Categorizing in a separate smart list could be a way if you have lots of connection to the person to see all related tasks with the name in.
Maybe in your example, adding another following up task could be a way.
Thanks, I've done that too (add another task), which is what I was doing before this. I have more open projects tied to clients than I can shake a stick at and was looking for a way to easy the double typing. Another thought would be if I could trigger a subtask to either move to a task, or, replicate itself as a task. I like using the subtasks for brainstorming and keeping a link to the project/client, but if I could promote a subtask to a reminder that might work.
The reason I can't use a smart group is the extra noice once I check off a subtask As it is still in the note, it catches on all filters. That's why I was thinking it would be nice to have an option to further filter completed subtasks from a search/filter.
In any case, just brainstorming here. Never know when something I ramble on about will give you a brilliant idea.
Good point about the filter. I'll take a look once again after upcoming update.
You can currently drag and drop subtask into tasks page to make it as a task but it's not a good experience. (Need to use 2 fingers on iPhone to drag and go back and drop)
There is a note to consider about changing a task-subtasks to a list-tasks and this could make it work better. But needs more considerations.
No worries, with the new IOS you have enough on your plate. Current methods aren't killing me, Another thought would be the option to delete a subtask on completion. Not sure I like that one, but it would solve the filter issue.
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