
Is this possible to do in GoodTask? I wanted to create a smart list that has a list of tasks where the alert time has already passed. I was hoping to create a shortcut to snooze all of those tasks in case I have missed any alerts on my phone since they only alert 5 times.

I haven’t been able to find a way to do this so far, but I wanted to make sure I wasn’t missing anything. I am trying to find a to do app where I don’t miss alerts.


Thanks for the feedback.

If you want to use the alert for nagging in short period of time, your approach may not work as reliable. Since ‘Alert’ smart list filter only applies to whether it has alert or not, you need to use Scheduled filter with overdue and must have due date and alert aligned. Even with that, running shortcut may not refresh the smart list if the app is not opened at the moment.

I’ll keep your feedback on the list to consider about increasing auto snooze count numbers.


I have tried it before when the due date and alert date were aligned and it worked great for me. It was reliable enough that I didn’t miss anything over an hours time. The problem I have is I can’t always have those aligned because I don’t want to lose the original due time for my repeating tasks. I tried duplicating all my repeating tasks at the beginning of the day so I could modify the due time and filter on that, but it took too much time.

I know we can’t filter on the alert time, but I was wracking my brain for some other way to create a list with overdue alerts, but I couldn’t come up with anything.

I’ll put it on the list to consider. (Alert time filter)
