First SubTask to New Task

Is there a quick action available that will take the first sub task and convert it to a new task, while maintaining the original task and all of the remaining sub tasks?

I read the manual and could not find this feature, so this could be a feature request instead of a support request.

Hi @neilb , thanks for the feedback.

Currently only Proceed quick action is available for managing subtasks. This quick action moves all remaining subtasks and closes existing task with completed subtasks.

It seems like your suggestion would be useful when you want to expand a subtask into a separate task. Is this correct for your case? If you can give some use cases / naming, it would be helpful to consider.


That is correct. In the Reminders app I had built a workflow where a single task could represent smaller projects, instead of using a list. As the next SubTask would come up, I would schedule it, break it out separately incase other sub sub tasks were needed, as well as the ability to attach files or links specified to that step. "Next Sub" is how I would refer to it.

Thanks for consideration.

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