Most people here are probably Apple centric, but after moving all of my emails, tasks and calendars to I am finding that GoodTask is actually even better with it, especially when coupled with MS ToDo on desktop and web, or desktop Outlook.
The main advantages:
GoodTask Tags don’t really do anything in Reminders, but if they start with # they also work in MS ToDo app on Windows 10 or “New” task interface. You can click on a tag in MS ToDo and it would show a list of all tasks that have it.
You can use url field to link to files in Onedrive, and will be able to use the same link in MS ToDo for desktop/ web. You can of course also link to iCloud Drive files, but because iDrive sharing is much more restrictive and limited, these links won’t work on all devices. This provides the often requested file attachments feature. I just wish that there was a way to speed things up by being able to create a link to a OneDrive file from within GoodTask.
With the new rewritten Subtasks (done per my feature request ) it’s easy to add subtasks in Outlook and have them sync to GoodTask. This would of course work in Reminders as well, however desktop Outlook provides advanced filtering and conditional formatting that could be utilized to make subtasks even more powerful.
You can easily create tasks from emails in MS ToDo or Outlook, another often requested feature. If you use Outlook for iOS and email, your flagged emails will appear in your task list and will be seen in GoodTask. (Need to enable the new task interface in, and enable the flagged emails to tasks option).
Now, I am not sure how it would handle custom task alerts or repeats if actively using ToDo. So far I am trying to set these up in GT and not touch them. But I do think that the combo of GT on iOS and Outlook / MS ToDo on desktop and web is way more powerful than GT with Reminders, for anyone who maintains a cross platform setup.