GoodTask update v5.7 is rolling out. Below are details. You can check YouTube video too at the bottom. Next iOS and macOS versions will be fully supported on next v5.8 update. Thanks!
Text filter for Calendars has been added to Smart Lists. Select ‘Edit List’ and add calendar filters at the bottom.
Long tapping Calendar Event will open context menu for 'Duplicate, Duplicate as Task, Delete' (iOS 13 only)
Swipe on Calendar Event option (Settings - General - Swipe Action) can be set
Skip action for recurring tasks (Long tap on task to access action through context menu. iOS 13 only)
Duplicate templates (Long tap on Settings - New Task - Templates. iOS 13 only)
Favorites for Quick Actions : Long press inside Settings - Quick Actions to make it show on context menu (Long tap task. iOS 13 only)
Theme : Today number label color on calendar when other day is selected can now be changed (Today Number Not Selected Color)
'Small' option added for Rich Link preview (Settings - Appearance - Task Display - Select - Link : Small)
Text filter for Calendars has been added to Smart Lists. Select ‘Edit List’ and add calendar filters.
Add Calendar Event with CMD-Shift-N or click 'Calendar Event’ on the menu while clicking + button on bottom left. You can also add event by right clicking time or date in top calendar area.
Right click on Calendar Event : Change status of confirmation from invitation (Accept/Maybe/Decline). Duplicate, Duplicate as Task.
Skip action for recurring tasks (Right click on a task)
Duplicate templates (Preferences - New Task - Templates)
Today number label color on calendar when other day is selected has changed
& Many bug fixes and minor improvements