GoodTask v5.8 Release Note

Welcome to GoodTask v5.8.

New Widget for iOS 14 and tons of improvements!

  • List Widget
    • Show one of your list on your home screen
    • Choose between Default/Compact/Compact 2/Full view
    • Optionally show calendar. When hidden, choose between 1 or 2 Column (medium/ large size)
  • Favorites Widget
    • Add your Favorites on your home screen
    • New Favorites type : New Task
      • Preset title, list, notes, dates, priority and subtasks
      • Open camera, audio or paste clipboard to notes directly
      • Choose custom icon and color
    • New Favorites type : (Link to Goals/Reports/Today/Next page)


  • Modern Lists view
    • Navigation bar is now integrated with background view. Themes will follow background color rather than navigation color.
    • New System Theme added: iOS
    • New icons for lists
      • Choose between 70+ icons
      • Reminders list can also change icons


  • Long tap on calendar will open option to add task, calendar event and templates.

    • Choosing templates on certain day will make tasks' due dates relative to that date. You can make tasks according to project's due date backwards.
  • Relative time option added to Templates - Task

  • Swipe to change priority (Settings - General - Swipe Action)

  • Swipe to complete rather than tap (Settings Appearance - Icon: Hide)

  • Complete action added on Context menu (Long press on a task)

  • Options on Add button are now using system menu

    • If you choose 'Show Options' inside 'Settings - New Task - Add Button', tapping add button will show options right away.
    • If you choose 'New Task', long tapping add button will show options
  • Line design when icon is hidden has changed (Settings - Appearance - Lists)

  • Settings : Advanced - Longer events period on Widget option added

    • Default option fetches one month of events. Turning this on will fetch 3 months. Widget may not load if you have many events
  • When 'Add Alert when Due Date is Set' option is checked, alert will be added when you set due time even if due date exists if it was no time

  • Better Settings page, New Color & Date Picker

  • New Settings: Settings - General - Type: Date

    • Simple: Due Date = Alert, like Reminders
    • General: Due Date & Alert
    • Advanced: Start Date, Due Date & Alert
  • New icon: Big Sur type




Hope you enjoy the update and get it done with GoodTask. Thanks!



v5.8.2 Release Note

  • Widgets - Theme overlay : Default/Light/Dark/Black

  • Widgets - Icon type (List Widget) : Line/Dot

  • Widgets - Highlight Overdue Title : Changes title color to red for overdue tasks. Follows in app settings

  • Widgets - Recurring icon is shown next to date

  • Widgets - URL Link : Arrow is shown next to item title if it has URL link. Tapping it will open URL

  • Revised Date Picker

  • Several adjustments, improvements & bugs fixed

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New widgets are so upsetting :sob:
No dynamic change of height of widget based on content.
No scrolling.
No interactivity (you can’t mark things done without diving in app which is soooo bad).

Please, is this possible to bring the old widget back? The new one is just useless =(

Hi @lightshaft, thanks for using GoodTask.

I think you need to get used to it since it's the way iOS is headed. Maybe in iOS 15, it may gain some interactivity if they get enough feedback. :cry:

You may still use the previous one at the very bottom of the widget page but I can't assure you anything about the future since Apple may remove it anytime.


There is no way to add the old one =(

Hmm, it still shows on my devices even after fresh re-install. It seems like Apple may have already removed them on certain situations? I've seen in developer forum that they might remove them in the future but I'm not sure yet.

Deleted the new widget, restarted device for few times and now the old widget is back again! :partying_face:

That's the old widgets list. You have to hold down the screen so the apps show the delete x. Then tap the + in the top left corner to get the new widgets.

The idea was to get the old widget back =)

v5.8.2 Release Note

  • Widgets - Theme overlay : Default/Light/Dark/Black

  • Widgets - Icon type (List Widget) : Line/Dot

  • Widgets - Highlight Overdue Title : Changes title color to red for overdue tasks. Follows in app settings

  • Widgets - Recurring icon is shown next to date

  • Widgets - URL Link : Arrow is shown next to item title if it has URL link. Tapping it will open URL

  • Revised Date Picker

  • Several adjustments, improvements & bugs fixed

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Hello. How can I set three tasks in one column if they have a set time?
I can set two tasks with a set time and one task without a time, then they can fit into one column. However, on your YouTube channel and on promo photos, you can see that it is possible to set three tasks in one column with a set time.
Any mode of the widget has such a problem :frowning:
I can use Compact mode, but I need to see the time of the tasks under them.
I use iPhone 7 with iOS 14.4. GoodTask v. 6.5.2

Hi @amoev, thanks for the feedback. The number of tasks shown depends on devices and it can only show 2 on your device with normal mode. To view more, you need to use compact mode or use some other settings. Thanks!

Thank you for reply! I hope in the future there will be a new mode in which it will be possible to arrange tasks a little more compactly, including on my device, because 2 tasks in the widget are too few.
Success in development!

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