Guidance/Issues with filters

I don't understand/am not getting expected results for complex filters and completion filters.

For example, I'd like to setup a smart filter that

  • excludes #someday unless due today
  • shows all tasks overdue, due today or tomorrow
  • shows undated tasks if not #someday
  • shows all tasks tagged #hoy
  • shows tasks that were completed today only

I've experimented with AND, OR, & order of operations, butonce there's more than one of the same type of filter is applied the results are not what's expected/desired.

Also, I tried this but it gets 0 results, whether or not any other filters are applied, even though other Completed lists do show tasks are completed
Type: "Completed",
Count: can be anything (0, 9, 99, makes no difference)
Dropdown: Today
Is this not supposed to show tasks marked complete today?

My "Completed" and "Recently Completed" show several tasks were completed today.

Hm... I walked away from my computer and came back and completed Today is showing as expected, curiously. I guess it just takes longer than the other filter settings?

I don't know whether refresh rate is a factor with my other filter experiments or not. Ultimately, a tutorial/directions for filters would help.

If you have very complicated filters, it could take some time. But normally not that much.

What I see on your example seems very complicated. Is this for one list?

Confusing part on calculating multiple filters are what to use between AND and OR.

AND will keep the tasks that satisfies both filters and OR will keep all the tasks for both filters.

On your case, I think I'd go like this.

  1. Scheduled : Within 2 days
  2. Undated (OR - 1)
  3. Exclude #someday (AND - 2)
  4. Include #someday (OR - 4)
  5. Scheduled : Today (AND - 3)
  6. Tag #hoy (OR - 5)
  7. Completed : Today (OR - 6)

But it seems too complicated that I might not know what I'm seeing. I recommend splitting things apart to several lists to make it clear at what I'm seeing. :slight_smile:

Everything but the Completed Today filter works.

In Week view, all tasks done this week are shown.
In the Day view, it's correct: tasks done today.
List view, multiple done tasks, not sure what date the cut-off is.

Completed filter will add completed tasks to the list. On day, week and month views, completed tasks are only shown if it's on that selected date range.

You can set specific options for Completed filter and all of them will show on List view.
