How can Overdue items be transferred to next day’s list

I would like any overdue items without a specific time to become part of the next day’s list without being on a separate list or changing color. Is that possible and if so, how?

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Hi @Takeoutchick, thanks for using GoodTask.

  • Currently there is no way to change due date automatically. It's on the list to consider.
  • You can turn off 'Settings - Appearance - Highlight overdue title' to keep the title color
  • Overdue items will show on current day according to filter settings.


I use the Today page to quickly move overdue tasks to today (in doing so, the app changes the due dates to today). If I'm not planning to use the Today page to work from, I still use it to move overdue tasks and then skip the rest of the prompts.

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I've ended up not using the Today page but rather using my own version of it with a Today smart list. I use #today on items that I want to stay in that list until their done – whether they have a due date or not.

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