Basically, I am looking for away to be able to export selected Reminders, to some kind of list ideally like a CSV file or even just a text file if need be.
I would be happy to do this either through Apple reminders app or Goodtask reminders.
I'm looking at Apple shortcuts app to be able to repeat through a found set.
in apple reminders, I attempted to set some variables to capture the fields
The Reminder App field possibilities that I see are
File size
File extension
Creation date
Last modified date
- it seems that:
name = the actual reminder text
Creation date = the current date but not the date the reminder was created
Last modified date = is blank
Q: I am wondering if there are more fields in Apple Reminders App that I may extract such as:
- priority
- date of completion
- repeat settings
- And any other Reminder fields
If there is a way to extract these fields, please let me know.
Q: is there a better way to extract and export reminders list data?
Thanks – Dave