How can We Export Reminders to File?


Basically, I am looking for away to be able to export selected Reminders, to some kind of list ideally like a CSV file or even just a text file if need be.

I would be happy to do this either through Apple reminders app or Goodtask reminders.

I'm looking at Apple shortcuts app to be able to repeat through a found set.

in apple reminders, I attempted to set some variables to capture the fields

The Reminder App field possibilities that I see are

File size
File extension
Creation date
Last modified date

  • it seems that:

name = the actual reminder text
Creation date = the current date but not the date the reminder was created

Last modified date = is blank

Q: I am wondering if there are more fields in Apple Reminders App that I may extract such as:

  • priority
  • date of completion
  • repeat settings
  • And any other Reminder fields

If there is a way to extract these fields, please let me know.

Q: is there a better way to extract and export reminders list data?

Thanks – Dave

Hi Dave, thanks for the feedback. Currently there is no way to export the data on GoodTask other that 'Share List' inside the list. It'll export text or html form on Mail.

I'll keep your feedback on the list to consider. Thanks!