How to get info *from* tasks for use in Shortcuts?

Hi there!

I want to create a quickaction in GoodTask that collects the task's Title, Note, and URL and passes it through to a shortcut.

The shortcut will do the following:

  1. create a note in Obsidian with the same Title, containing the note and a url link back to the task
  2. grab the link to the note in Obsidian
  3. open GoodTask again
  4. append the link to the Obsidian note in the corresponding task's note field

It seems like I should be able to do this, but I can't find a way to get the task's Title, Note, or URL. Anyone have any ideas?

Hmmmm. Not sure a quick action can do this, though I'm sure @GoodTask will set me straight if I'm wrong.

If you share the task from GoodTask, you should be able to get the task's title and notes. If you add your shortcut to your sharesheet, you can share the task direct to your shortcut. In your shortcut, you can build a URL that links back to the task based on the title:

goodtask3://task?title=[title of task here, URL encoded]

You can pass that link to your Obsidian note.

Also, have your shortcut append the Obsidian link to the appropriate reminder— no need to open GoodTask for that part. :wink:

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Thanks for the feedback. Quick action only adjusts the values and there is no way to return existing values at the moment. I’ll keep your feedback on the list to consider.

Meanwhile, @jsamlarose ‘s suggestion seems like a great solution for your needs.



Looking into this further...

Does Obsidian have Shortcuts actions yet? Just had a look and can't see anything there. So in order to make your planned shortcut work, you'll need...more URL schemes!

obsidian://new?vault=your%20vault&name=your%20title&content=your%20content - to create a new note.

The link to the Obsidian note should be easier to create:

Because you'll know what the title is going to be when you run the shortcut, you'll be able to build all of your links before your Obsidian note is even created. That said— I have no idea how Obsidian might handle duplicate note titles, so you'll have to experiment with that or make sure your tasks have unique titles. Also, you'll have to be mindful not to change titles for any tasks you're linking to in this way...

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