iCloud attachments once task is complete

Once the task is complete, should not be the iCloud attachment also be deleted? I see that these are not deleted in my case, so I am afraid about “pollution” of my iCloud space with the time.

Thanks for the feedback. I’ll keep it on the list to consider. :blush:

You can always delete them manually inside Files app or Finder if needed. Thanks!

Thanks ! Currently the attachments are located in a folder “attachments” with sub folders which have cryptical names - so I think it is very hard to delete them manually, you would need to open them one by hand :nerd_face: with apple not increasing default iCloud space, this resource is very valuable. Cheers!

Yes, I’m aware of it. :wink: you can option click to open all subfolders on the mac but it’s not the best way. I’ll keep your feedback. Thanks!

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