Interested in enrolling into beta GoodTask app

Hi, I’ve been using GoodTask for several months and super hooked on it. I’m interested in enrolling into beta goodtask testing or test flight program. If there are any such programs or active initiatives, could someone share some enrollment details ?

Thank you.

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Thanks for using GoodTask.

I'll send you an invitation to your email. Thanks!

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I’m a long time user and am also interested


Hi, could you send me an invitation as well? Thanks!

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Thank you, received the invite.


Just googled for this and am hoping for an invite slot if one is still available. :slight_smile: By far my fave app.


I am also Interested. Please invite me, if slot is available. Thx.

Hi, could you send me an invitation?

Currently the released version (v7.6) on App Store is identical to the beta which includes interactive widgets update. Thanks!

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