iOS, macOS: Ist there a way, to link a contact to a task


often a task is to contact someone. It would be helpful, to pull up the contact infos with single click. Is there a way to link a contact to a task in GoodTask (both macOS, iOS)?

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Hi @TRq, thanks for the feedback. There is no way to add contact directly. If you add a phone number, you'll get the action to be shown like URLs though. Thanks!

Pls consider my question a change request

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Cardhop, available on iOS and macOS, allows you to copy a link to a contact that you can add to the url field of a task.

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I still would like this feature: To link a task with a contact. Or, at least: Drag and Drop (and/oder Copy & Paste) a contact on a task, so that the phone numbers will be written into the task notice with a "+tel:" in front of the phone number.

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