Keyboard Shortcut [Mac] for email capture

Hi @Mikha,

I shared a couple AppleScripts I've used to send email messages to GoodTask in a different post. I shared the scripts there as examples that could be adapted to do something similar for DevonThink, but they're designed to be used for email.

One script uses GoodTasks' url scheme, while the other sends keystrokes to open GoodTask's new task dialog and type the information. There are more details about each script in the post I linked to. Either script should work, but I currently use the one that sends keystrokes because it's a little more flexible.

The script works for me 90% of the time. The biggest issue I have is if the active list in GoodTask is in Day/Week/Month view, the new task dialog displays the input fields for the due date, and the script doesn't type enough tabs to get to the note input field before it tries to type in it.

I hope these can help!