I am having a problem with lists not staying sorted. No matter how many times I reorder my lists after a few hours the lists are in a different order. I sort my tasks by lists in my today view so I need to the lists to stay ordered. I am only using GoodTask on my phone.
Does anyone have any suggestions for me? I don’t see posts on this so I don’t understand why it’s just me having this problem. I am hopeful I can find a solution so I can use GoodTask for my planning.
Yes, it seems like some of the lists will move to the bottom randomly - different lists each time. I just resent the connection and I will test it out today to see if that takes care of the issue. Thanks!
This frequently happens to me too - specifically my 'main' list which is top of the list in Reminders is often moved to the bottom in GoodTask. In GT preferences > Lists > List Order, Automatic is not checked.
Hi @simfin, thanks for the feedback. Have you tried resetting the connection? If so but it happens frequently, please send me iCloud Drive/GoodTask/Settings/lists.plist file to contact@hahaint.com