Lists not staying sorted

I am having a problem with lists not staying sorted. No matter how many times I reorder my lists after a few hours the lists are in a different order. I sort my tasks by lists in my today view so I need to the lists to stay ordered. I am only using GoodTask on my phone.

Does anyone have any suggestions for me? I don’t see posts on this so I don’t understand why it’s just me having this problem. I am hopeful I can find a solution so I can use GoodTask for my planning.


Hi @kkay5, thanks for using GoodTask. Do you mean that some list goes to the very bottom? If so, you may need to reset calendar connection.

  • Go into 'Settings - Advanced' and select 'Reset calendar connection'

This will reset your lists and calendar settings. You may need to reset filters if needed.

If this does not fix the issue, please let me know with some detail screenshots. You can send it to


Yes, it seems like some of the lists will move to the bottom randomly - different lists each time. I just resent the connection and I will test it out today to see if that takes care of the issue. Thanks!

This frequently happens to me too - specifically my 'main' list which is top of the list in Reminders is often moved to the bottom in GoodTask. In GT preferences > Lists > List Order, Automatic is not checked.

Hi @simfin, thanks for the feedback. Have you tried resetting the connection? If so but it happens frequently, please send me iCloud Drive/GoodTask/Settings/lists.plist file to
