Lost most of my reminders

I have been using Good Task for almost 3 years now and I originally synced it up with my Reminders app to transfer over all my existing reminders. Since that day, I did not open up the Reminders app once. I accidentally opened it up yesterday and it appears to have really messed up my Good Task reminders. Unfortunately, it's now loaded in a bunch of overdue reminders from 2-3 years ago and doesn't seem to have saved most of my new reminders I had set natively in the Good Task app over the past year. It's odd, it's saved just a handful of some recurring reminders I had, but that's all. I had some one-off reminders I had set into my phone for business or personal, and it disappeared. I tried to cross-check with the Reminders app but they aren't there either. I would think that's likely because I put those newer one off reminders only in Good Task to begin with.

I'm unsure what to do at this point. What troubleshooting can I try to retrieve all of those lost reminders and why did opening up my old Reminders app totally throw everything off like that?

Hi @Chelsea_Jones , thanks for using GoodTask.

GoodTask does not keep its data by itself but uses Reminders database all along. Even if you don't open Reminders app, iOS provides access to Reminders database and GoodTask uses that data.

According to your status, possibilities that I can assume are,

  1. If you've not upgraded iCloud Reminders database that's been done on iOS 13, some issues could occur. But since this is more than 5 years ago, I assume this is not the case.
  2. If you have multiple devices that connect to iCloud, some other device may sync the data that could cause corruption.

My guess would be the 2nd one. I recommend checking all your devices' Reminders app and see if it's causing the issue.

One way to recover is using iCloud.com website. On account page, you can restore data (Calendars and Reminders) on certain time period. I'm not quite sure what your data's status would be though.

Hope you get things organized back again. Thanks!