Lost smart lists

After the latest iOS update, I lost all of my smart lists. Is there anyway to recover them? I have a recent back up, would that help? Thanks.

Hi @DBNews, thanks for using GoodTask.

Smart lists are saved in preferences. Normally preferences are saved as files in iCloud Drive.

Would you check inside ‘Settings - iCloud sync’ and see how it shows?

Also check inside iCloud Drive/goodtask/settings in Files app and see if files are there properly.

If so, tapping Download under ‘Automatic preferences sync’ should restore them. Thanks!


Thanks for the response! Unfortunately, the loss of the custom smart lists propagated, so I lost them in iCloud as well. Turns out I have 2 preferences backups. Didn't remember that was an option. One from today and one from three days ago. Though I've made other changes since the 12th, my custom smart lists are more important so I'll try to restore from the backup. Fingers crossed.