Month View And Current Date Question

Hi, Is there a way to have Month View always start on current day, even if the current day has no tasks, events or reminders? If it's the 20th of the month but no activity, GoodTask positions me at the 1st of the month. I then have to manually tap a day close to current date with tasks to see what's upcoming? I really like GoodTask, but this is the one thing that keeps me from giving up Fanstastical 2. Hopefully, there is a setting I'm missing.

I'm aware that the Week View gives me what I want, but prefer to use Month View. Thanks.

Hi @bernieorosz, thanks for the feedback.

Week and month views should work the same way. What do you see on week view?

If you tap circle button on top right, it should show/hide completed tasks. When they’re hidden, current date should be on top (if you don’t have overdue tasks :wink:).


The circle does hide/show completed tasks, and the Calendar does highlight the current date. But.... my task details at the bottom of the Calendar start off at the first of the month and do not show me what is due for tomorrow. I apologize if not explaining correctly.

For example, today is 03/28 and I do not have any tasks. So, when I open GoodTask and tap the Month View, the details section at the bottom starts off at 03/01. Had I had a task for today 03/28, the details section at the bottom would start with today's date and show and all upcoming starting with "today".

In Fantastical 2, their Month View shows "no events" for today, but positions all the task detail from today and forward. So, I can see what's due for tomorrow and next day, etc.. In GoodTask, I cannot see what is due for tomorrow and forward unless I actually tap on 03/29 (i.e. tomorrow).

I hope I'm explaining myself correctly. Thank you for taking the time to help me.

I'm curious about this behavior. Do you have ANY tasks for this month? I think the behavior you're having might happen if there are no tasks for the whole month.

Fantastical and GoodTask have different behavior since the former shows all the tasks and calendar moves with the visible tasks. GoodTask shows one month at a time with tasks and events on that month.

So if you have overdue tasks that may be due earlier this month, it’ll be shown on top.

If you don’t have any overdue tasks, today’s tasks should be on top.

Hope it made sense. Thanks!

I only have this problem when there is no "todays tasks". It's almost like GoodTask doesn't know what to display in Month View when "today" has no tasks. So, it always defaults to the start of the month in the task details below the calendar.

Can I send a screenshot of what is happening to Support? I prefer not to show this Forum my tasks and events for privacy issues :). Thanks.

Let me follow-up my question with a better detailed description of my GoodTask issue:

When I tap the Month View icon in GoodTask, it shows the current month calendar and always defaults to the first of the month in the details section below the calendar. I then must tap the current day "darkened" icon and it will immediately scroll to that day and show me my tasks and events. This extra 'tap' is annoying.

The problem is when the current day has no tasks (i.e. no little dots for that day). Tapping the current day "darkened" icon does nothing, so the details view remains at the first of the month. This is my problem.

I have an iPhone X (IOS 13,4), and would like to send Support a screenshot of my problem so I don't display my calendar info in this public forum.

You may send me an email to


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