I have noticed there are two items that change colors when an item becomes overdue. First, the task title itself. I was able to change this to off in the theme settings by highlighting it to the original color. The second thing that changes is the time below the task, it changes to match my list color. If I give a task a time it changes to the color once the time passes. However, items marked “due today” with no time it doesn’t change colors. How can I either have timed and untimed items ‘all’ change colors or ‘none’ change colors? I have “overdue tasks on current date” checked which is why they show on my todo list. Thanks!
Edit: I found where I can turn off “highlight overdue title” which works instead of my theme route. However, I don’t think “highlight today section” does what i was hoping (remove the time passing highlight/add highlight for overdue items without a time, I.e., day of).