Overdue on Day View

Is there a way I can have overdue tasks appear when a list is in Day view?

Hi @Michael_Berk, thanks for using GoodTask.

Default behavior should show overdue tasks in day view when you're on today. You may want to check option 'Settings - General - Overdue tasks on' and set it to 'Current date' which is default.

If the list itself doesn't have overdue tasks, it won't be shown.


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Hi. I have the correct settings but I still not having the overdue tasks in the daily view but only in the overdue smart list. What's wrong ? Thanks. M

Hi @Manuel_Zompetta, thanks for using GoodTask.

If you're on a smart list, you may want to check the filter.

If you have 'Scheduled: Today' smart filter, add another filter 'Scheduled: Overdue'. Or you can change it to 'Scheduled: Within 1 day'.
