I’m having terrible trouble with tags. I’ve found that a number of words from the titles of various tasks have become tags. For instance, I have a task “McCartney III released”. The words “McCartney” and “released’ are tags, and I don’t know why. I have tags set to use the Notes field, and the notes field is empty. If I clear tags using a quick action, those 2 words in the task title disappear. But if I add another task using those words, they are still recognised as tags. Under sort options, when I “bring tags from settings”, there are 6 random tags like this. I also have proper tags that are listed fine. Any ideas how this has happened, and how I can get rid of these pseudo-tags?
EDIT: I think I’ve found what’s behind this, but I’m not sure about the resolution. If I’m in a list and pull down to do a search for, say, a single word (on iPad), the search that is created in the sidebar is a list that searches with a Tag filter containing the search word. This is obviously creating unneeded tags whenever I do a search. What am I doing wrong with search? Why is it searching for a tag with my search term? Doesn’t search just search for the text anywhere in a task? And how can I clean up my tags? Thanks.