My lists
Daily repeat
- 09:00 gym
- 12:00 check server
- 18:00 clean room
Inbox(no dated)
- mission 1
- mission 2
- today 13:00 meeting
- tomorrow 13:00 shopping
What I want
- now time is todays 11:00
- I need a smart list like upcoming, but exclude finished daily repeat tasks. If the finished daily task(due to tomorrow) be checked by mistake, it will go next day, and hard to move back.
- daily repeat task of today(unchecked) + due task in 2 days + other tasks
- It's similar to "today" tab, but "today" is a manual task, can I do it more "smart"?
I've tried
- Select all list
- Filter: "scheduled today" or "undated"
- But this will miss the dated tasks that not in today list, like "scheduled/ meeting in tomorrow", I need it.
How to?
- I've tried use a smart list to import an other smart list, but can not do that.
- Please tell me how should I do.