Some tags not working in board view

Hi there. I'm trying to sort tasks in a board view into columns by tag. For some tags it works fine, but for others, the task doesn't go into a separate column. The hashtag seems to just be text in the notes field. I added the tag from the contextual menu but it's still not working. Any ideas what could be going on? Thank you!

I notice that the tag under boostore (#out) is not showing up in the notes line, but it is for Ruth Chris.

A another screenshot:

Thanks for the feedback.

Normally tags are captured from smart list filters and quick actions when set to Automatic inside ‘Settings - Sort, tags - Edit:tags’ (or on separate list - Edit List - Tags).

Try checking what’s inside by turning off Automatic and back on.

If it’s all set properly but the issue persists, please share some more detail screenshots or screen recordings to
