Sort Order: Tag-Reverse

I would like to use the tag "PM" to push certain list items to the bottom of my list that contains today's tasks. However, the custom sort orderings currently only allow for "Tag" as a sorting parameter (which puts the tags at the top of my list). There are "reverse" options for some other sorting parameters, such as Alphabet-Reverse and Due Date-Reverse. Is it possible to add Tag-Reverse somehow?

Any help appreciated!

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Hi @macrospect, thanks for using GoodTask.

Do you mean you want 'No Tags' to be sorted at the top on the list?

Yes, that's the idea. Is there a way to do this?

Thank you for the response.

On the list view, no. You can change order on board view (Settings - General - Board View) but not on list view. I'll keep it on the list to consider. Thanks!

Thank you! It would be super helpful if that were ultimately implemented.