Subtasks from Reminders shows as separate tasks

I have a lot of tasks in Reminders (macOS, Catalina) with subtasks. In Reminders they are grouped under parent task.
In GoodTask (on macOS) they showed as separate tasks, without any grouping.
Is this correct?

Hi @Vsubb, thanks for the feedback.

Yes, that's correct. Subtasks info in Reminders app is not opened from Apple to use for 3rd party devs.

I'll keep an eye on it and will check when Apple opens it.


Has there been any update or movement on this? Really hoping some compatibility between GoodTask and the native Reminders subtasks and tags will come into play. Really love GoodTask, but have a lot of shared lists with the wife who only uses Reminders. The lack of compatibility there is causing me to start to consider dropping GoodTask.

Unfortunately Apple didn't make any changes since then. You may give them a feedback to make them move. :cry: