Suggest/Vote for Features

I had this idea to humbly aid the developer about what features would be on the wishlist for users.
So this post is meant to serve as a place to suggest features and vote for the ones we would like to see in GT.
It is in no way meant to be a sign of displeasure or putting pressure on the developer, but simply an aid for the developer, should he find himself in a position not knowing what features the users might prefer.

Please keep the comments in this post to only contain feature requests and phrase them as shortly and clearly as possible. One request per comment!

So, this post will contain:

  • only feature requests
  • our votes
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Use start dates as default and make due date optional (might be restricted from the ios reminders though)


Replace the IOS scrolling date pickers with calendar versions :slight_smile:


"+" Drag & Drop functionality.

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Thanks for the post. :slight_smile:

One thing to mention is that I'm getting lots of feedback from multiple sources and the document that I currently possess which I regularly categorize and reorder contains about 1,000 lines of things to consider.

I have lots of plans but I'm not sharing any of them at the moment since I don't want to commit to any detail features. You never know what could happen in software development. :slight_smile:

I'll keep an eye on how the post goes and will refer to it just like other feedback that I get. Thanks again for everything and I'll do my best to bring 5.0 beta soon.


Make current day header (Today) visually distinguishable from other dates in any list sorted by due date.

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