[Suggestion] Sort by High priority then Due Date

Please add an option to only look at the Top priority items when sorting by Priority then Due Date.

Here's why.

Sorting by Priority by default puts Top priority items on top, then Medium, then Low, all sorted by Due Date.

This is a straightforward and common sense approach... if the user has control over all priority levels.

The problem arises when someone is using both Outlook on desktop (or Outlook.com or Exchange) and iOS Reminders.

Outlook has three priorities - High, Normal and Low.

The default priority level is Normal and it can't be changed in settings. Only manually per task.

When synced to Reminders or GoodTask, Outlook's "Normal" is interpreted as "!!".

The default priority in Reminders is "None".

So, if a user has many tasks created in Outlook, and many tasks added via "Remind me to..." voice command on iOS, they end up with a mix of tasks that have the same intended priority (basic, normal or none, whatever you want to call it) but different default priorities. Sorting by priority then becomes rather meaningless.

The only priority that is guaranteed to always be set by the user is High.

So, what I am asking for is an option to only look for the Highp priority when sorting by priority. This way we could get the list of tasks with High priority on top, and all other tasks sorted by their due dates below.

Thanks !

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