I would like to be able to customise what fields are shown for each task in a list. Currently there is the choice of Default or Simple.
I would like to show for each task it's Title, Time and icons for alert/repeating.
The other information I would like to hide: Date is redundant because the list is already sorted by date with date separators; List name could also be optional if one is using only a few lists they can recognise these by the colours of the check box.
Hi @patthedog, thanks for the feedback.
You can go into 'Settings - Appearances' and add a new 'Task Display' option by tapping 'Add' at the bottom.
You can select what to be shown there and choose that option on the list to use. To do it, 'Edit List' and select that 'Task Display' option.
Thanks, I hadn’t discovered this. Although it doesn’t seem to allow me to hide the date while keeping the time visible.
Yes, currently you can't hide the date. I'll keep it on the list to consider.
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