Support for Groups?

I doubt the Apple API will allow groups to be accessed. But it'd be great if you could consider supporting Groups within Goodtask. (Even if it is your own coding).
For me my 'Today' list uses:

  • Filters to show tasks due (and overdue) today.
  • Excludes some lists and calendars
  • Includes tasks without a Due date
  • Sorts on:, Calendar Events → Due Date → Undated

It'd be fantastic if I could add groups such as 'IT', 'Non-Urgent', 'Household' so that I could address tasks from each area when needed.

I guess another way would be able to sort by List → Calendar Events → Due Date → Undated, but I don't think that is possible?

Any thoughts would be appreciated.....

I'm not quite sure if I'm getting it properly but you can check out Board view with Lists or Tag to manage tasks through different lists or tags.


Thanks I'll look to see what I can manage. I don't like the Board View and I dislike Tags.
I'll see if there are other sort options that can get me close to what Apple Reminders can do. I'm not a fan of that app, but the Grouping features are pretty good so I can see me having to use both apps.

Looking more closely at the sort options the closest I can get to what I want to achieve is to use a custom sort of:

The only lack to this is that there is not a 'List' separator at all. If it was possible to add in (maybe optionally) a list heading it'd be pretty perfect.

I'm also trying to alter the list order in the view, but it doesn't seem to follow the 'Lists' order in the main app sidebar view of Goodtask or the Settings / Lists / Edit List Order screen? Any ideas on that one? Update: It looks like the Edit List Order screen does work, but it is not respected unless I turn off / on lists to get it to be read in (a bug maybe?)

Post above edited... just thought it was worth highlighting

Thanks for the details.

List order follows side bar if 'Automatic' is checked.


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Brilliant that helps me out in the interim :slight_smile:

I still wish there was a 'Group by' in the Smart lists, then I could Group by the actual list :slight_smile: