I am running ios 13 and catalina, but there's something wrong with the sync function on my mac. It won't automatically sync any changes made on ios Goodtask unless I open Reminders (the system app) at the same time. Not sure if it's a problem with GoodTask or Reminders. Would appreciate it if you have any idea or solution. Thanks!
Also, sync from Goodtask on mac to ios has zero issues.
Edit: Pretty sure it's a Catalina beta thing. It's not just that I need to open Reminders, but it has to be activated (not running in the background) for anything to be synced from iphone to mac.
Hi @owlinprime, thanks for using GoodTask. I've tested on latest Catalina beta and it works well on both ways. Sync issue has been there on previous macOS versions too and mostly it resolved itself as you use the app. Try 'Refresh' inside GoodTask and see how it goes. Thanks!
I am also seeing this issue. Not sure if it's a GoodTask issue or a Reminders+Catalina issue, but in Catalina, Reminders has to be open in order for GoodTask to sync with other devices.
Would you try restarting the device? It could be a beta thing. I'm trying to reproduce it but it's working well on my test devices. Changes made in both devices sync pretty fast to each other.
I have two macs running Catalina, and I just tested on the other one, and it works. I have restarted both the problematic mac and iphone several times, and even reinstalled GoodTask a couple times but nothing worked.
Nah refreshing doesn't work on this mac unless Reminders is on, but if it's on, I don't need to refresh it anymore. At this point I tend to believe it's a Catalina thing. Funny thing though, when I open the Reminders, GoodTask actually syncs faster than Reminders.
Now I'm seeing the opposite behavior -- on my Mac, GoodTask seems to sync changes without issue, but now I must open Reminders on my iPhone to get GoodTask to sync there.
Not sure if you are still having the same issue, but after I deleted the cache in ~/Library/Caches and restarted, everything went back to normal. Not sure if it's a direct cause, but might worth a shot.