⌘T : Move to Today or Initial Board

I believe that the ⌘T : Move to Today or Initial Board shortcut should go to the "Today" list that comes with GoodTask, correct?

Screenshot of GoodTask (12-10-23, 1-04-04 PM)

If so, it's unfortunately not working for me, neither when I used the keyboard shortcut nor when I clicked through Menubar > View > Move to Today.

I did change the smart filter by filtering for the tag "#Today" and showing Overdue tasks as well.

Things I've tried

  • Restarting GoodTask
  • Testing ⌘T in other apps (it works)

Thank you.

Thanks for the feedback.

'Today' list is a smart list that filters tasks for today.

Command-T keyboard shortcut runs on every list and changes view on that list. For example, if you're on 'Day' view and you've moved to tomorrow (with cmd-right arrow), using cmd-t will let you return to today.

This works the same on board view (cmd-0). Moving with cmd-arrow and return with cmd-t.

Hope it made sense. Thanks!

PS. If you want to use keyboard shortcut to move to 'Today' smart list, I recommend using Favorites which then can be used with ctrl-number. Thanks!

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