Task attribute inheritance in a sequence

  1. Say you have three tasks, “X”, “Y” and “Z”, added to GoodTask
  • Task X
  • Task Y
  • Task Z
  1. All are associated to different reminders lists

  2. All are due the same day and with different priority levels

  3. On a Smart List, you want to change their sequence, say switching the third task to second position, so that you have “X”, “Z” and “Y” as a new sequence

  • Task X
  • Task Z
  • Task Y

Why does the newly sequenced second task (now task “Z”) inherit all attributes of … wait for it … the first task (still task “X”)? I do not expect, that by dragging task positions, tasks lose their original attributes.

By attributes I mean due date, priority level and reminder list. I can’t remember if tags are also affected by the inheritance.

What am I doing wrong? Am I to leave untouched all smart lists (view only) and manage my tasks only from a reminder list (view and edit)?

More importantly, how do I avoid task inheritance?


Can't say why it behaves like you describe, but I just tried by adding 3 tasks from 3 different ios reminders lists all due today. My today list has sorting set to manual only. I can move them around as a want without any of them loosing their attributes.

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Hi Antonio, thanks for the feedback.

GoodTask manages sorting tasks via 'Sort Options'. If you drag and drop tasks into certain area, it'll change values according to 'Sort Options' to put it in proper order.


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