Tasks in MS ToDo: Due Date wrong?

Hi, I am using GoodTask with Apple Reminders and would like to add Microsoft ToDo.

However, it appears the due date is not synching correctly:

Is this a problem of MS To Do oder GoodTask?

Thanks for using GoodTask. Please check Reminders app and see if it works properly. There was a issue on Outlook/Exchange and Reminders app not synching due date properly from long time ago especially on Mac. I’m not quite sure if Apple is planning to fix it or not though. I recommend using iCloud to sync on Reminders data since it works the best. Thanks!

Ah, I see. I wasn‘t aware, that it is Apple Reminders that is synching with MS ToDo. In Apple Reminder, I see the same mistake

I am not sure what you mean by that / how I could accomplish this.

I mean that using default Apple’s sync rather than MS Todo works better. Using it won’t work with MS Todo though. Thanks!