Tracking Habits

Hi I am trying to figure out the best way to keep track of a list of habits that I want to complete every couple of days. What is the best way to do this so I can see when the last time a specific habit was completed? Thanks!

Hi @jtylerhartley, thanks for using GoodTask.

There is no dedicated way to track habits on GoodTask. One way would be making a separate list for a habit and check Month view to see if it's been completed in certain day. You may tap circle on top right to show completed tasks on a calendar.


Good morning,
As a thought: I also use GoodTask to keep track of habits. However, I typically create a task with a recurring date on it. For instance, I do Fitness Sessions 6 days a week, so I have created a task, and assigned in the "Repeat" area that it would occur Monday through Saturday only. Thus far, that method has worked well for me.

Hope that helped!